Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grilled Cheese is the Bee's Knees!

Today I felt like an ooey-gooey grilled cheese for breakfast, but instead threw together the ingredients for a fabulous, age 2 and up *, sandwich

My lunch bag consisted of a loaf of freshly sliced pumpernickel bread, butter, and deli delicious Monterey jack and pepper jack cheese

I set this sandwich up like I always set up grilled cheeses:
Slathered the butter on each slice of bread with probably too much butter
Stacked one buttered slice on top of the other buttered slice
Stacked two pieces of Monterey jack and two pieces of pepper jack on the unbuttered top of the pile
Threw on another piece of Monterey jack for good measure

Now, the difference between a homemade grilled cheese and an office grilled cheese is the grilling
As it turn out, our office only has a toaster oven, so I guess what I really made was toasted cheese

I learned a few things about office grilled cheeses… here are my sandwich tips from today’s lunch:

1. If you’re using a toaster oven, do NOT butter the outside of the sandwich. While the flavor is still mighty fine, the bread will remain soggy and you’ll end up with probably too much butter on your fingers. Butter the inside of the slices to ensure the buttery flavor without the buttery mess.

2. Don’t overwhelm your sandwich with pepper jack cheese. While I did enjoy the sinus relieving effects of the pepper, I probably would have been good with only one slice to my overload of Monterey.

3. Don’t be afraid to mix cheeses. I’m wondering how the sandwich would have turned out had I also brought my mozzarella and asiago shredded cheese. Just think: Monterey jack, pepper jack, mozzarella, AND asiago on one sandwich! I believe I just decided what’s for dinner…

4. Unless you’re a better person than me and plan on sharing, do not bring a full loaf or full bags of cheeses to the office. They will not be there at the end of the day.

5. If using a toaster oven to make your sandwich, maybe still butter the outside of the slices because that sandwich was a lot of fun to eat.

Sadly, I ate my sandwich surrounded by a pile of papers and a busy email inbox at my desk, but I highly recommend you take some time out to really appreciate your grilled cheese sandwich.

*Correct me if children younger than 2 can handle grilled cheese


  1. This is particularly useful advice Lizard Queen. I love mine with some finely diced cherry tomatoes and on Turkish bread. I've never used butter - but after this well researched article, I shall next time

  2. Cheese sandwiches just are not the same without a bowl of soup.
