Thursday, August 13, 2009

$1 Customer Appreciation Day at Jimmy Johns

Thank GOD someone I know knew it was $1 sandwich day at Jimmy John's

While sandwich lovers may pass on the JJ for one reason or another ("I don't like the bread", "What's the deal with the sprouts?", "I prefer such-and-such-local-sandwichery"), I really don't feel anyone should pass up on a legitimate, freshly made sandwich. Besides, can you get any more economical than a $1 lunch?

Didn't think so.

While I usually favor the #4 Turkey Tom (hold the mayo!), today I opted for the #5 Vito

As I'm a big fan of Italian subs, especially those of the 3 foot party variety, I especially enjoyed the Vito

My sandwich artist literally threw slices of genoa salami, provolone, capicola, ...PAUSED and placed the onions back in their bin, NOT on my sandwich..., lettuce, and tomato on the bread then doused the pile like a fire starting pro

As I've said before, sandwiches are great because they're messy
By the time my "artist" was done with his materpiece, the sub looked like it had been smushed to the bottom of a backpack in a crumpled brown paper bag
The only beauty to be found was that of the sandwich wrapping, which upon careful ripping held my sub in a choke hold while I devoured

Upon approaching my last bite, I found myself wishing I had more sub to love

Typically I'm a patron to the local sandwich shops, but I'm really glad I was an appreciated customer of Jimmy John's today