Luckily, I was downtown, and even more lucky, I was within walking distance to a boatload of sandwich places
I planned on going to...some specific sandwich joint... but I forgot where it was located and stopped in the first sandwich place I saw
The Corned Beef House was the first I saw, and I thought to myself, "Sweet! A house dedicated to corned beef!"
I swung the doors open and practically ran up the stairs (I admit, I didn't expect them to be there, and apparently my first reaction to surprise is to run)
The restaurant was pretty small with the bar taking center stage and booth seating and little tables around the perimeter of the room.
I was a loner for this meal, so I saddled up to the bar and was quickly greeted by the bartender (this was not peak lunch hours, mind you)
Apparently, their turkey sandwich and, surprise surprise, their corned beef sandwich are the most ordered
I would be a fool not to order a corned beef sandwich in the House of Corned Beef, or rather, The Corned Beef House
I placed the order of corned beef on rye with spicy mustard, and I'm pretty sure the kitchen heard me- it's a small place
After what seemed like two seconds, I had to stop people watch out the windows and chow down
When I brought my eyes from the windows to the sandwich, I was a bit shocked
Isn't corned beef supposed to be a darker pink/red? All the corned beef I've come across in my life has had a deep, rosey red color; this corned beef was pink
Like, pretty pink nail polish pink
I hate when I get a sandwich and before first bite, I'm questioning it
The meat was generously thrown on the rye, and you could see a bit of the mustard dripping down the layers
Aside from the meat color, this sandwich looked pretty appetizing
The first bite gave me a zesty mouthful of spicy mustard and rye, but why didn't I taste the meat?
There was a subtle spice to it, but could that be blamed on the mustard?
A few bites in a I was tasting the beef; maybe my buds were off that day
Eating a sandwich of this size and difficulty was not easy to do alone
Every second bite a lump of meat fell of the rye and onto the plate- bye the 10th bite I was fork and knifing it
Good call, Liz
I was a little bit disappointed in the The Corned Beef House
I mean, if you're going to put an item in your name, you better do that item well
They didn't do it bad, but it wasn't up to my standards
The meat was juicy, moist, and tender, but the flavor was severely lacking
Thank god I opted for spicy mustard, because that's what kept me biting
The redeeming quality of this sandwich is the second half, which was much to much for me to embarrassingly eat alone (bits of meat and mustard flying is NOT attractive and extremely hard to play off when solo dining) made a very tasty cold afternoon snack
Perhaps the corned beef sandwich at The Corned Beef House should be served chilled- the beef seemed to have reveled in its brine and was ten times more flavorful, which is really saying a lot